Natural Resources, Energy and Environment

This Practice Group leverages multidisciplinary and multijurisdictional expertise to provide innovative solutions in mining, energy, international trade, and environmental regulation, offering clients seamless support for complex transactions and disputes worldwide.

The Natural Resources, Energy and Environment Practice Group provides a full range of services to clients and a forum for an exchange of information , experience and expertise between Legalink lawyers practicing in the areas of mining, oil and gas exploration, production and distribution (upstream and downstream), energy production and regulation, international commodities trade and environmental regulation, including related competition issues, regulatory enforcement and investigation, corporate and contractual matters and dispute resolution (including domestic and cross-border litigation, mediation, and arbitration).

Members of the Practice Group act in all or some of the above areas of expertise and bring to the group a vast experience and knowledge of the relevant law pertaining in their own jurisdictions and internationally.

The Practice Group enables individual firms and groups of firms within Legalink to provide clients with expertise that is based on that multiple jurisdiction experience and precedent. Collectively, we have successfully handled many high-profile disputes and represented clients in some of the most complex sales, mergers, and acquisitions in recent memory.

The groups’ multidisciplinary and multijurisdictional experience allows for innovative problem solving for clients seeking cross-border resolutions tailored to their specific businesses.